Saturday, September 02, 2006

Politics hit in the gut

While I was looking elsewhere, our fine legislators passed a bill (with only an inconsequential vote on Assembly floor remaining), SB 840, which is going to be funded by a 17% increase of payroll tax and a 3% increase of individual tax.

To tell the truth, I started to prepare my house for sale after I filed my 2005 taxes. This year, I have to pay estimated tax, and trust me, it sucks. But I wasn't very active with it. Just fixed a few things here and there. Currently, we're looking at replacing carpets. But now I see that it's getting really bad really fast.

The decision to flee this land of social engineering is not simple. California is often the leader in legislation, and the laws which squeeze working people get copied. If I escape, then firstly I lose my ability to fight it, and secondly the same laws reach me anyway. But on the other hand, we are talking real money here. Money which I could use to buy myself a better health care, for example -- if the government did not steal it from me to pad pockets of bureaucrats in Sacramento (if they used the money to buy health care for the poor, that wouldn't be too bad). What do I do?


Blogger Brian W. Barringer said...

The market in tracy is slow. Its moving along but you have to be priced right

From 8/17-8/25 in Tracy there were:

776 Active Listings in tracy,
66 New Listings
77 Price Reductions
33 Pending Sales
30 sold closed
50 withdrawn/Expired

With almost 800 listings and only 33 going pending you have to play a waiting game and be priced right. The market is different from two years ago when at times there were only 77 active listings in all of Tracy. Selling just depends on what your goals are. Moving out of state seems to be a common trend with sellers latly. My dad always advised that if you do not need to sell in this market to wait which is what I advise as well.
Brian Barringer

11:13 AM  
Blogger ザイツェヴ said...

Thanks, Brian.

2:06 PM  

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