Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Surland Aquatic Park, bis

A reader draws my attention to an interesting and relevant phenomena. Whenever a college operates its bookstore, they can never make the business plan close, even when they ignore the cost of the facility lease, etc. The store is always a money loser. If a contractor operates the book store on concession, they make profit and PAY to the college. This is why Barnes&Noble built a real empire of college bookstore concessions. You think it has anything to do with publisher's discounts? Well, no, the same thing happens when small contractors do it. Simply put, public service agencies are aways inept and wasteful.

So why in the world would be want City of Tracy to run the 50m pool?

The city isn't rolling in money. I remember that the plan to fix trees needed extra funding last year, with a lot of publicity about bonds, etc. So, suppose Surland builds the thing and gives it to the city. It's only a one-time charge for them, but we have to spend money on it forever.

The public meeting is today, 7 p.m. at 300 E. 10th.


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