I am crime victim! Woo!
While I was away at lunch, someone stole the license plate from my car, parked across from my house. This is the first time I'm a victim of any kind of crime while in America. In Russia, I'd have been robbed five times already. But still, it's a good reminder to get my concealed carry permit in order soon. Crackwhores stealing plates usually graduate to street thuggery when they need bigger crack doses.
This is not a good sign. I myself scan daily the police reports on the inside pages of Tracy Press, hoping that no crimes were reported in the neighborhood we live.
I suppose that you have reported the theft to the police. I'm sure you know that that valid plate could be used in the commission of any crime.
Be safe!
Yes, I reported it, for the same reason. If nothing else, these crackwhores will get me a red light camera ticket unless I have the plate in the system.
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