Montero in Tracy Toyota
I was in Tracy Toyota for service today and saw a sharp looking 2002 Montero, 38,000 miles, for $18k~. Just throw a winch on it, some OME suspension work, and go four-wheeling -- on leather seats. If Carfax finds no show-stopper like a flood, a very sweet deal, I think. It needs new rubber though, looks like it uses a spare currently on the rear right wheel.
Right across from the Montero sits a used RAV4.3 on non-standard Toyota wheels and, get this, with mismatching spare cover. My only idea just how this could happen is that the original wheels were all stolen. So, the RAV saw rough times, avoid. Oh, and there's no discount; same price on this sad vehicle and other used RAVs they have.
I really liked little Yarrises. It's some $13k to $16k, compact, 36mpg (new rating). Perfect to go to Safeway or college. The safety rating is "good" on them, which is not "excellent", certainly, but on the other hand I keep hearing how people die in head-ons with Suburbans and F-150s while driving luxury cars like Q-35 and such. I think as long as you do not get into a head-on crash in it, it's safe.
They did not have a single Land Cruiser. I guess nobody in Tracy is rich enough to afford one.
Right across from the Montero sits a used RAV4.3 on non-standard Toyota wheels and, get this, with mismatching spare cover. My only idea just how this could happen is that the original wheels were all stolen. So, the RAV saw rough times, avoid. Oh, and there's no discount; same price on this sad vehicle and other used RAVs they have.
I really liked little Yarrises. It's some $13k to $16k, compact, 36mpg (new rating). Perfect to go to Safeway or college. The safety rating is "good" on them, which is not "excellent", certainly, but on the other hand I keep hearing how people die in head-ons with Suburbans and F-150s while driving luxury cars like Q-35 and such. I think as long as you do not get into a head-on crash in it, it's safe.
They did not have a single Land Cruiser. I guess nobody in Tracy is rich enough to afford one.
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